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Water Feature For Stress Reduction
Does the sound of bubbling water relax and de-stress you?
Perhaps it’s time to consider adding a water feature to your landscape or patio. Whether you have a cozy balcony, patio or room for a pond, there are many water feature options to fit your space.
Adding plants to your water feature really takes it to the next level. Summer is the time when water plants really shine and you’ll find a good selection at the garden center. Water lilies are one of our favorite water plants and we have gorgeous varieties in stock. Whether you have a small water feature made from pottery or a garden pond, water lilies add height, color and texture to your creation. Pair water lilies with horsetail reed and pickerel rush for a beautiful aquatic garden.
Want to create your own?
Here are our 5 easy steps for creating a DIY water garden:
- Choose a glazed pot at least 18” wide that coordinates with your garden’s color scheme. Place in a part sun/part shaded area.
- Plug the drainage hole with putty (Or choose pottery with no drain hole).
- Fill the bottom of the pot with a a combination of Vital Earth Organic Compost, Soil Menders Topsoil and NHG Organic Fertilizer.
- Fill your glazed pottery with water and treat with a de-chlorinator tab before adding plants; or let the pot sit in sunlight for a few days to naturally de-chlorinate the water.
- Add a water lily and several additional water plants and voila! You now have a tranquil focal point for your patio.
Concerned about mosquitoes in standing water? Mosquito Bits and Dunks fix that concern easily and swiftly. For small patio water garden, simply float a piece of Mosquito Dunk in the water. For larger garden ponds use a whole Mosquito Dunk.
Water gardens not only de-stress and delight us, they also benefit local habitat. Small water features give summer birds, frogs, dragonflies and honeybees a place to quench their thirst. When you add fish to a pond, you’ll have natural mosquito control.
Concerned about water use? Once filled, your water garden actually uses much less water than your lawn or garden. Be sure though to check your city’s local watering guidelines for filling water features.
Visit us this week for the best selection of water garden plants!
There is a limited quantity and you won’t want to miss out on creating the most relaxing spot in your home.