First Year Care Considerations When Planting Perennials, Trees, and Shrubs
Newly planted perennials, trees and shrubs need extra care to establish a healthy root system. The size of the plant and environmental conditions will determine how long it takes for the plant to acclimate to its new home. For trees, the caliper size can be used as a guide. For example: A 1” caliper tree will take about one year to become established. A 2” caliper tree may take two years. The larger the plant material, the longer you will need to provide supplemental care.
During this acclimation period, plants will put much more energy into developing a root system than in producing top growth. A healthy root system is the key to your new plant’s success. For large trees and shrubs, you should not expect to see much green growth the first year, depending on the variety. Larger specimens can take up to 3 years to begin producing top growth.
The time of year you plant will greatly affect how quickly your new plants become established. Hardy container trees and shrubs can be planted anytime of the year, even winter; however spring & fall are the easiest times to establish new plantings. If you plant new trees and shrubs during the heat of the summer, be prepared to pay keen attention to the water needs of your new plants. Keep in mind that there are many factors to choosing the right planting time in Texas.
All new trees and shrubs will require supplemental hand watering after planting for up to a year, and larger trees for up to 2 years. Note that you must NOT rely on your sprinkler system alone to provide adequate water to new plantings, especially in summer months. Use a hose to directly apply an ample sized puddle around the root ball. Let the water absorb, and then repeat. It is best to water plants early, around 6-7 am.
Do this approximately:
- Winter: 1 time per week
- Spring & Fall: 2 times per week
- Summer: 3 times per week
You can also use soaker hoses to provide a slow drip to the individual plants. Apply 2-3 inches of a mulch around the root ball to conserve moisture and protect the soil. Make sure there is a 3” or so space left around the plant’s base.
Nitrogen fertilizers that encourage green growth are not recommended at planting time. A liquid root stimulator, however, is very important. Water in new plants with Good Natured Root Stimulator and/or Liquid Seaweed along with Superthrive, twice a month for the first 6 months. Plants that prefer acidic soil, such as dogwoods and Japanese maples, should also receive an application of a soil acidifier such as Liquid Seaweed with Iron at planting time. After the first year, use the appropriate fertilizer, such as Texas Tee for general use, Espoma’s Holly-tone for acid-loving plants, or one specific to your plant’s needs each spring and fall, adding an early summer feeding for fall bloomers.
We are here to answer your questions and provide solutions. Should you notice a problem with your newly planted tree or shrub, please let us know right away. Bring us leaves or a branch sample, along with close-up and further away photos if at all possible. Many problems can be diagnosed by answering a few questions about growing conditions. Properly chosen and planted, most stressed plants can make a full recovery if the problem is diagnosed early.
Here at North Haven Gardens, it is our aim for you to have a successful gardening experience with everything you purchase at North Haven Gardens. Please note that our warranty policy cannot cover plant damage or death due to improper planting, over or under watering, insects or diseases, and winter kill or other weather extremes.
Please call or visit us for advice if you suspect your plants have a problem or disease. Additionally, you may send detailed digital photos with inquiries to and we will be in touch as soon as possible with recommendations.
Our plant warranty is as follows:
- Live plants are guaranteed to be true to variety and essentially free of pests and disease at the time of purchase.
- Outdoor plants grown in locations other than in the ground, including pots, containers or hanging baskets are not covered by our replacement policy.
- Guaranteed plants will be replaced for similar material or for store credit.
- #15 gallon and larger hardy trees and shrubs: 2 years from date of purchase
- #1-#10 gallon hardy shrubs and perennials: 1 year from date of purchase
- 4” annuals and tender tropical plants are not covered by our replacement policy.
Did you change your mind on a plant purchase or buy too many? Plants of all sizes in original, saleable condition may be returned to the store for up to 48 hours from purchase.
All plants are replaced only one time.
Hardgoods (non-plant merchandise) may be returned in original condition with the proper receipt for a full refund of amount paid at any time. The only exceptions are dated materials such as periodicals, seeds, and bulbs.
If you are a Grow Card member and made your purchase under your Grow Card account, we have a record of your purchase and no receipt is necessary for returns.
For more information on how to care for your plants, and gardening teams from our team of garden coaches, you can sign up for our newsletter today.